ENterprise | Xamarin | AR Concept
I worked with Weatherford to create a mobile version of their SCADA data so the users (Lease Operators) could better monitor conditions at a well-site. We went onsite to research the user’s day-to-day tasks and uncover opportunities for streamlining their process.
The color in the design ensures maximum visibility of well-site alarms during night-time shifts. We also explored utilizing AR to quickly identify equipment status onsite and location tracking to discover and deploy team members closest to an emergency.
Discovery, Phase 1
primary Ui/Ux Designer
Secondary ui/ux Designer, researcher, design director, engineer
High Level Task Flow + Pain Points
Key Design Challenges
Consider impact upon user of 24/7 alarms
Account for users multi-tasking while inspecting a well site
Increase legibility of SCADA data
Key Responsibilities & contributions
Lead collaboration effort to develop gesture based-navigation and unique searching system
Lead visual design to develop night-time UI and vivid alarm colors
Collaborated in the on-site contextual inquiry and card-sorting synthesis of the research data
Trained and mentored junior designer who was new to the team
Information Architecture & Interaction Models
App Map
“A mobile tool will help me prioritize what
to go hit. Instead of driving 100 miles,
I can drive 20 important miles.”
Gesture-based Navigation
We created an entirely gesture-based navigation system to make the app easy to use one-handed while the Lease Operator are onsite inspecting equipment.
100+ Well Search
Users needed the ability to search for and access data on hundreds of wells. To maintain a gesture-based system, we utilized a long press and drag gesture to quickly pan left/right between different wells. Speed could be controlled based on how far to the left or right the user scrubs.
“The visual representation of the data
is what turns it into meaningful and
actionable information.”
Trend Line System
Lease Operators needed the ability to monitor up to 8 different data points on a piece of equipment and be able to see the data charted on a graph.
We developed a system that would allow for both easy visual distinction between different trend lines and also would be flexible enough to work for any combination of data points. This was done through the use of both color and line type.
Alarm System
One of the Lease Operator’s largest pain points revolved around receiving alarms at all hours of the day and night. We implemented a dark UI paired with vivid warm tones to allow for night-safe viewing and quick identification of alarms.
We developed a system to allow users to choose to either escalate an alarm to another team member or let their team know that they will handle the alarm. We also ensured it was easy to visually identify the status of an alarm at-a-glance.
AR concept